The children of Camden Street Elementary School now have access to exciting new studies in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math), as well as basic life necessities to help them succeed in school thanks to a unique public-private partnership that is changing the lives of local students and their families.
Recent statistics show that opportunities are abundant in the so-called STEM fields, but many students in the Newark area face challenging obstacles to these careers.
One is a lack of access to education in these fields, and the other is the more fundamental need for basic life necessities like a good breakfast, a warm coat and clean clothes that make it possible to thrive in school.
In a Martin Luther King Day of Service initiative designed to tackle both of these issues, Camden Street Elementary School partnered with Marketsmith, a Cedar Knolls based tech company, for a ribbon cutting on two new resource rooms – a STEAM Room and the Camden Cares Room.
The STEAM Room – an expanded play on STEM – offers information and resources designed to help students – at a young age – develop an interest and acumen in science, technology, engineering, arts and math.
“Our students don’t get to travel much outside their neighborhood,” said Camden Street School Principal Sam Garrison. “So, if they’re going to get exposed to these ideas, they’ll need to do it here. That makes the STEAM Room crucial in introducing to, and positioning them for, future opportunities in STEM jobs. We know that there is an abundance of these careers available, but female and minority students are much less likely to have the chance to get them. Our STEAM Room is designed to make a change in that status quo for Camden Street students.”
The Camden Cares Room provides access for Camden families to basic necessities such as diapers, books, clothing and household supplies, as well as free access to laundry facilities. The room is private and by appointment, so families are free to take advantage of its offerings in a non-judgmental environment.
Supplies for the Camden Cares Room were provided in part through a donation from HOPE International, and a $20,000 donation from Marketsmith’s Bring Dinner Home Fund. The fund, jointly developed in 2011 by Marketsmith CEO Monica C. Smith and her wife Amy Smith, along with Camden Street Principal Sam Garrison, is a response to the real problem of child hunger and poverty, especially the proven effect they have on student performance.
“So much of what puts these students at a disadvantage stems from issues in the home, through no fault of their own,” said Monica C. Smith, CEO of Marketsmith. “All of us at Marketsmith are very excited to work with Camden Street to introduce the STEAM Room and the Camden Cares Room – and to see the impact it will have on students.”
Marketsmith is also underwriting the STEAM Room with donations and administrative support. Anyone else wishing to donate can contact Anne Picone at [email protected] or 973-889-0006.
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