
Present Like Dale Carnegie

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3 Steps to an Impactful Presentation

“Just picture everyone in their underwear” is the worst advice a person can give you right before you present in front of an audience.  A moment that’s supposed to bring you positive excitement turns into negative fear with a group of people in plaid boxers. Before giving a presentation there are three E’s everyone should know.


A person has to have earned the right to talk about their subject through study or experience when presenting in front of an audience. When you know far more about your subject than you can use, you will be more confident, and it will be a success. A great presentation doesn’t have to be about something complex.


When you are presenting a topic from your own experiences you will naturally feel more confident, especially if it’s a topic you feel excited to talk about. You may have the knowledge to do a presentation on how to log into your work email but a presentation on what you are passionate about would have more impact. When you’re excited about the topic, it will show in your body language and you will naturally engage your audience.


The third element that will bring your presentation together is eagerness—your deep and abiding desire to communicate your message and transfer your feelings to your listeners. Dale Carnegie states, “History has repeatedly been changed by people who had the desire and the ability to transfer their convictions and emotions on their listeners.” Your eagerness to share your topic will make your presentation stand out.

Learn more about how you can become a better presenter by visiting or call (609) 631-0500.

Disclaimer: Sponsored content articles do not reflect the opinions of New Jersey Business magazine or the New Jersey Business & Industry Association.

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