clean water

A Message from the LSRPA

John Oberer, LSRP, President, LSRPA

New Jersey’s Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) program has transformed the regulatory process for site remediation in the Garden State for the better. Through professionalism, innovation, speed and efficiency to resolve contamination, LSRPs are driving science-based solutions at remediation sites that protect the public and the environment in accordance with the state’s laws, regulations, guidance and intent.

Today, thanks in large part to LSRPs, active remediation is being conducted at more contaminated and underutilized sites than at any time in New Jersey’s history. In fact, more than 85 percent of sites that had been in the investigation phase for at least 10 years before the LSRP program was created in 2009 have now completed investigations.

This means that these properties are well on their way to completing cleanups to be available for future beneficial use.

The LSRPs serve “to educate, inform and advise” their clients and the public. Through their in-depth knowledge of the remediation process, LSRPs help to educate responsible parties about their requirements, reports and regulatory timetables so remediation is successful.

The Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Association (LSRPA) is proud to represent the highly educated, conscientious and hard-working professionals who are critical to this program. The LSRPA advances the profession of LSRPs by providing information, education and technical resources to our membership as well as promoting the standards of care and use of professional judgment when protecting public health, safety and the environment.

LSRPA’s members consistently contribute to the ongoing development and improvement of New Jersey’s environment. They spend countless hours working on NJDEP technical and guidance document committees, providing comments on proposed regulations, attending LSRP Licensing Board meetings and holding routine meetings with the Assistant Commissioner and the enforcement, document review and permit processing bureaus of the NJDEP Site Remediation Program. This enhanced communication addresses concerns of the NJDEP as well as the concerns of LSRPs, remediating parties, developers, environmental advocates and communities.

In addition to valuable information posted on our website (, the LSRPA also assists the next generation of professionals with scholarships and provides opportunities to share knowledge about LSRPs through the peer-to-peer “Sounding Board.”

As the LSRPA looks to the future, we will continue to be a strong advocate for the advancement of our important profession. As you will read in the following articles, the LSRP program has been extremely successful. The LSRPA and its members have played a key role in the success of the LSRP program, and we look forward to what lies ahead as the program continues to mature.


John Oberer, LSRP,
President, LSRPA,
Associate Principal of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.


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