New Jersey

Senator Testa Named Co-Chair of Legislative Manufacturing Caucus

Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean has appointed Senator Michael Testa (R-1) to serve as co-chair of the bipartisan Legislative Manufacturing Caucus.

“Senator Testa has been a leader on the Legislative Manufacturing Caucus as it works to secure New Jersey’s future as the go-to destination for high-tech manufacturing,” said Kean (R-21). “He’s worked closely with Senator Oroho, who will continue to play an active role in the work of the caucus after serving honorably as co-chair.”

As the Republican co-chair, Testa will serve alongside Democrat co-chair, Senator Linda Greenstein (D-14).

“The Legislature has a critical role to play in creating an environment that welcomes and promotes the creation of well-paying manufacturing jobs in New Jersey,” added Testa. “The bipartisan nature of the Legislative Manufacturing Caucus is based on the belief that creating effective strategies to rebuild industry, develop our workforce, and grow the Garden State’s economy shouldn’t be a Republican issue or a Democrat issue. It’s a New Jersey issue that transcends partisanship. I’m honored to have the opportunity to lead in this important role.”

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