Highlighting New Jersey’s leadership as a home for innovation and the “Medicine Chest of the World,” Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno addressed the New Jersey Performing Arts Center’s (NJPAC) Business Partners “Life Sciences as an Engine of Innovation” Roundtable, presented in association with the HealthCare Institute of New Jersey (HINJ).
“New Jersey truly provides one-stop shopping for your R&D needs. We have built a vibrant innovation community – from Angel Investors to incubators, from Fortune 500 companies to research institutions – that works in supportive collaboration to drive growth and discovery in our state,” said Lt. Governor Guadagno. “This ‘innovation ecosystem’ uniquely positions New Jersey to strengthen its domestic and global biotech market share in the coming years.”
Last week, Lt. Governor Guadagno led the largest-ever New Jersey delegation at BIO International 2015 in Philadelphia and welcomed a record number of attendees to the Choose New Jersey Prospect Dinner. New Jersey is a leader in the life sciences industry, with the world’s highest concentration of scientists and engineers per square mile and operations of 14 of the 20 largest biopharmaceutical companies. Overall, the state is home to more than 3,100 life science and biopharmaceutical establishments, 63 colleges and universities, 4 medical schools and 13 teaching hospitals.
NJPAC began hosting a series of Roundtables in 2006 as a resource for participants of its Business Partners program, whose members represent more than 90 multinational corporations and privately-held businesses in New York and New Jersey. The Roundtables bring together corporate supporters of NJPAC approximately six times a year for an opportunity to network, share ideas and hear from guest speakers from both the private and public sectors on issues facing the business community.
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