
New Jersey Inventions

A small sampling of the big innovations that were developed in the Garden State.

First Steam Locomotive – that actually pulled a train on a track, built by John Stevens of Hoboken

First Phonograph – made by Thomas A. Edison at Menlo Park

First Submarine – built by John Holland of Passaic County

First Incandescent Lamp – made by Thomas A. Edison at Menlo Park

First Condensed Soup (soup without its water) –
made in Camden

Streptomycin (antibiotic) – developed by Selman Waksman at Rutgers University

First Transistors – developed by a three-man team at Bell Labs in Murray Hill

First Direct Distance Dialing, Coast to Coast – service was inaugurated at Englewood

Barcoding – patented at IBM

Tetracycline – developed by Lloyd Conover at Pfizer

Valium – developed by Leo Sternbach at Hoffman-LaRoche

UNIX Operating System – devised by researchers at AT&T Bell Labortories

C++ Programming – developed by Danish computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T Bell Labs, and given the name “C++”

Softrouter* – invented by Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Labs and inventors T.V. Lakshman, Thyagarajan Nandagopal, Ramachandran Ramjee, Krishan Sabnani and Thomas Woo, the “Softrouter” improves network scalability, reliability and security.

Method and Apparatus Extending Calls to Internal Switch Extensions Out to External Network Endpoints* – Avaya and Stephen Milton invented a way for telephone calls placed to a desk or office line to be redirected to an off-location cell phone.

Telecommunications Endpoint for Managing Multi-Conferencing* – Avaya and Birgit Geppert and Frank Roessler invented a way that permits teleconference users to manage calls and participants in multiple ways.

Oral Care Implement* –  Colgate-Palmolive and sole inventor Douglas J. Hohlbein: the first commercial toothbrush that features a soft tissue cleanser, allowing the cleansing of both the hard enamel teeth and soft-tissue tongue and cheeks, the latter where more bacteria resides.

Single Phase Whitening Dentrifice* – Colgate-Palmolive Company and inventors Suman K. Chopra, Lynette Zaidel, and Michael Prencipe invented whitening toothpaste that allows home users to have demonstrably whiter teeth in about seven days.

Green Light Emitting Pyrotechnic Compositions* – US Army ARDEC and inventors Jesse J. Sabatini, Ph.D., Jay C. Poret, Ph.D., and Russell N. Broad were recognized for using boron carbide compositions to produce “safe, easy-to-use and low-cost green light.” More traditional methods for producing green light had associated health concerns.

Systems and Methods for Storing Spent Nuclear Fuel* – Holtec International and inventor Krishna P. Singh, Ph.D. invented “a method for the underground dry storage of spent nuclear fuel and other nuclear waste. The system provides adequate ventilation and complete physical protection by storing the fuel and waste below grade in reinforced vertical silos.”

Base Metal Catalyst Composition and Methods for Treating Exhaust from Motorcycles* – certain geographic areas of the world have large motorcycling-riding populations; motorcycles serve as a ubiquitous means of transportation. In this vein, BASF Corporation and inventors Pascaline Tran, Xinsheng Liu, Ye Liu, Mike P. Galligan, Qinglin Zhang, Hiroyuki Horimura, Akiko invented a way to cost-effectively satisfy strict emissions regulations for motorcycles.

Apparatus and method for executing equipment inspection requirements* – Lockheed Martin and inventors Valerie Underwood, Lillian Andres, and Travis Lenhart invented an “apparatus that defines, tests and evaluates various fault paths associated with the components comprising the Aegis radar system installed on U.S. Navy ships.”

Method of Preparing an Antimicrobial Packaged Medical Device* – Ethicon, a Johnson & Johnson Company, and inventors Howard Scalzo, Jerome A. Fischer, Stephen Rothenburger, Robert Cerwin, and James R. McDivitt: “This patent relates to a novel revolutionary method to impart antibacterial properties on a wide range of implantable medical devices, but was specifically commercialized with surgical suture products. Post-operative or surgical site infections (“SSIs”) occur in approximately two to three percent of all cases. This amounts to more than 1.5 million SSIs each year in the United States alone. Globally this total is substantially higher.

* Source: Research and Development Council of New Jersey


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