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Are You Ready for the AI Revolution?

Are You Ready for the AI Revolution? If not, CGI can Help!

As we celebrate the Holiday Season and look forward to a Happy New Year in 2024, businesses should be planning for the changes it will bring, especially in technology. The AI revolution is upon us. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that enables machines to learn from data and perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. Generative AI is a subset of AI that gained popularity in Nov 2022 through the release of ChatGPT and uses machine learning to create new content, such as images, videos, and text.

As companies adopt AI, here are CGI’s top 5 recommendations that will prepare your business for the future, as discussed during a recent panel in Atlantic City with Senator Troy Singleton:

  1. Invest in AI talent: Invest in training employees to understand, develop, and maintain AI systems. Consider hiring AI experts to help them navigate the complexities of AI.
  2. Ensure transparency and explain-ability: Businesses must be able to explain how their AI systems make decisions and provide evidence to support those decisions.
  3. Address concerns about data privacy and security: Ensure that AI systems are compliant with data privacy regulations and have robust security measures in place.
  4. Collaborate with regulators: Collaborate with regulators to ensure AI systems are compliant with relevant legislation and prepare to adapt to changes as they arise.
  5. Embrace responsible AI: Embrace AI principles, such as accountability, transparency, and fairness. Consider the social and ethical implications of AI systems.

In New Jersey, the state Office of Innovation has released a policy to guide the use of generative AI by state employees, and the state has created an Artificial Intelligence Task Force to address the challenges of AI. Policymakers are also considering new regulations to govern AI. Businesses should be aware of these developments and collaborate with regulators to ensure their AI systems are compliant with relevant legislation.

Disclaimer: Sponsored content articles do not reflect the opinions of New Jersey Business Magazine or the New Jersey Business & Industry Association.

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