NRBP values our diverse membership, ranging in size as well as the industries represented. Individual entrepreneurs, Fortune 100 corporations, professional firms, institutions, non-profits and more are among our 400 members. Their diversity is NRBP’s strength and demonstrates one of the greatest assets of our city and region – its people and its companies.
Consistent with the tapestry that makes our region unique, we value diversity, support efforts to achieve equity and embrace inclusion as it relates to the people who work in our member companies and who live in the City of Newark. NRBP’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Initiative is a recognition that more needs to be done to bring opportunity to underrepresented groups and to inspire understanding of and rational communication with people whose life experiences are different from our own.
In 2018, we contracted with the American Conference on Diversity to coordinate a survey of NRBP members that drew more than 300 responses. The survey indicated that there was room for NRBP to bring people together around both the business case and the moral imperative for diversity, equity and inclusion.
We are pleased that our 2019 offerings to date have been well-received – two intercultural lunches, an unconscious bias workshop and a “pilot” employee D&I training program. Our members’ response convinces us that we can play an important role in shifting people’s mindsets, creating more effective enterprises and changing lives for the better.
The initiative above together with our top flight events, one-on-one member services, public policy advocacy and collaborative nature helps us live up to our mission to connect business for a GREATER Newark.
Chip Hallock
President & CEO
Newark Regional
Business Partnership
Barbara E. Kauffman
Executive Vice President & COO
Newark Regional
Business Partnership