
President’s Message

NJBankers – Making Connections for the Garden State Banking Industry

John E. McWeeney, Jr. President/CEO, New Jersey  Bankers Association

The New Jersey Bankers Association has been serving the New Jersey banking industry for 114 years, and while much has changed over the years, some things just remain the same. Certainly the banking industry has evolved due to advances in technology and changing customer preferences. Like other businesses, banks are also preparing themselves for millennials who are now joining the workforce. However, the importance of a vibrant banking industry to a prosperous New Jersey economy has not changed.

As you will see in this timely supplement, banks do much more than just take deposits and make loans. You’ll learn more about how banks support the growth of small businesses and economic development. You will also read about how, through their philanthropic and employee volunteer mission, they make a difference to the communities they serve.

We are proud to represent the banking industry in New Jersey. NJBankers serves as the primary advocate for New Jersey’s banks. Our current membership base consists of 96 banks that have a rich diversity of size, charter and business model. We also have more than 215 associate members that provide value-added solutions to our member banks. Our motto is “Making Connections” and we do so through our government relations efforts at both the state and federal levels; by providing professional development resources; representing members in public and media relations and delivering employee health and welfare insurance benefit programs through our licensed insurance brokerage facility, Bankers Cooperative Group.

For its part, NJBankers will stay proactive and do what it’s done for the past century: promote an environment that fosters a vibrant banking community in the great Garden State.



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