Fairfield-based Transparent Energy, the national leader in online energy procurement, announced a surge in demand for its strategic energy advisory and procurement services during the first-half-year of 2021, particularly among the country’s largest building-portfolio holders, as the U.S. economy rebounded and companies’ ESG and decarbonization strategies dominated energy discussions and decisions.
Amidst this growth, large C&I and institutional energy buyers have found in Transparent Energy an expert advisor and transactionally-adept firm capable of sourcing and procuring renewable and traditional energy at scale with a repeatable process that manages risk and delivers the best prices in the market.
“In 2020, as COVID-19 raged, we helped hundreds of clients capitalize on historic low energy prices and lock in long-term savings,” said Dustin Scarpa, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Transparent Energy. “Today, as economic output across sectors reaches or exceeds pre-pandemic levels, we are helping companies that were unable to take advantage of prior buying conditions to navigate the new norm of higher energy commodity prices while also meeting new ESG demands.
“Today’s pricing environment places a premium on how companies procure their energy and manage the myriad risks associated with it. That means going to market with a transparent, highly competitive process that maximizes price discovery and wrests every penny of savings possible. At Transparent Energy, we not only have perfected that process, we operationalize it with an expert team and the technology to make it auditable, scalable, and repeatable.”
Transparent Energy’s key H1 2021 accomplishments include:
Concluded Paul Shagawat, co-founder and managing partner, Transparent Energy, “Today’s energy conversation has shifted dramatically from one of ‘how low can prices go’ to ‘how quickly and efficiently can we meet the zero net carbon demands set out in our ESG plans to meet the expectations of our Boards, shareholders, and supply chain partners.’
“This is a pivot we have long anticipated and one we have been able to make rather elegantly as our people, process, and technology were developed for the sourcing and procurement of renewables from the outset. The market has caught up with our vision to provide energy buyers of all kinds a fair, transparent, technology-assisted, repeatable and scalable process to gain price discovery, stoke competition for their business, and, ultimately, have the upper hand in making their energy purchase.
“And, as we continue to hire the best in the business, evolve our renewable energy service offerings to meet the ESG needs of the world’s largest energy buyers, and help our customers navigate today’s complex and volatile energy environment and the risks associated with it, we find ourselves heading into the second half of the year in the strongest financial position in our company’s history and the most capable to execute on our clients’ strategic energy needs.”
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