
Talelight, the World’s First Electronic Bumper Sticker, Hits the Road

Talelight, the world’s first electronic bumper sticker that lets drivers create, buy and sell their own bumper sticker designs, is turning heads on roads everywhere.

Invented by corporate engineer/executive turned entrepreneur Robert Suffern, Talelight is a 2” x 8” high-resolution color LCD display that mounts on the rear of your car with industrial-strength adhesive strips. It is powered through a USB connection inside the car and communicates via secure Bluetooth connectivity. Talelight goes dark when the car is parked.

Drivers can create their own bumper sticker designs or buy ready-to-go stickers from the Talelight marketplace just as they buy music online. The Talelight website and mobile app let you upload, schedule and rotate sticker designs to match your mood.

“Talelight is a great way to promote your business, cheer on your favorite team, show pride in your child’s school, support your candidate, and even sell your own sticker designs for profit,” Suffern said. “It gives drivers the flexibility to say what they want, how they want, when and where they want.”

“We call Talelight the slicker bumper sticker,” Suffern said. “It captures the best of social networking and personalization for drivers everywhere. It’s a creative way to express yourself and make driving more fun, and it turns off when you park the car.”

Suffern’s company, Summit-based Ultimation LLC, announced Talelight in July; shipping began December 6, 2016. The Talelight is $179.99.

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