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Holiday Bonus: Impending Time Off Pushes the Pedal on Productivity

Nearly one in three employees say they're more efficient before major holidays.

Santa’s not the only one making a list and checking it twice: Many employees shift into high gear as the holidays approach, a new survey from Accountemps suggests. Thirty-two percent of workers polled said they become more productive the week before a major holiday. Twenty-two percent of professionals, however, reported that their output wanes.

The survey also showed that late afternoon is when many workers experience a slump, with 29 percent citing 4 to 6 p.m. as their least productive time of day. Consistent with previous research, most employees seem to hit their stride between 10 a.m. and noon.

Workers were asked, “Are you more or less productive the week before a major holiday?” Their responses:

Much more productive 15%
Somewhat more productive 17%
No difference 47%
Somewhat less productive 18%
Much less productive 4%
*Responses do not total 100 percent due to rounding.

Respondents were also asked, “In general, what is your least productive time of day?” Their responses:

8 to 10 a.m. 14%
10 a.m. to noon 9%
Noon to 2 p.m. 15%
2 to 4 p.m. 24%
4 to 6 p.m. 29%
Don’t know/other 9%

“The holidays are a hectic time for many professionals, and people react differently under pressure,” said Bill Driscoll, a district president for Accountemps. “For some, upcoming holidays spur them to move faster and more efficiently, while others are slowed down by the feeling of being pulled in many directions.”

Driscoll noted that reduced year-end productivity can pose challenges for many businesses. “Companies are trying to close the books on the quarter, staff up for the coming year and use up remaining budget as the holidays approach,” he said. “Many firms can benefit from bringing in temporary professionals to augment their staff. This enables core team members to take time off freely while keeping business on track.”


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