The Port of New York and New Jersey’s Council on Port Performance (CPP) has announced that the Terminal Information Portal System (TIPS) has launched. This is the first system of its kind in the United States. TIPS is a central web portal that enables users to check container availability and export booking status as well as to obtain information on terminal-specific news such as extended hours, holiday schedules or row closures at all six of the port’s container terminals. The user will also be able to easily link to terminal websites from this central web portal to obtain information on empty container return locations and vessel schedules.
TIPS is a new service provided by Sustainable Terminal Services, Inc. (STS), a nonprofit corporation whose members include all Port Authority terminals except for Red Hook Container Terminal LLC. TIPS was developed in response to a Tier One recommendation of the Port Performance Task Force to develop a Port Community System to give port users a central website to access a variety of information that will enable them to streamline their business processes. STS has previously developed and implemented the RFID-based truck identification system designed to enhance security and the environmental quality of the port area. The TIPS functionality is available to truckers, beneficial cargo owners and other service providers through a secure login at the PortTruckPass website. While TIPS will eventually provide interactive functionality for empty container return locations and vessel schedules, STS wanted to deliver this central system in advance of the peak shipping season to assist port users.
“Effective information management is critical to an efficient intermodal supply chain. TIPS will help optimize logistics planning and information sharing in the port,” said Molly Campbell, Port Commerce Department Director for The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and Chair of the CPP.
Through TIPS, users will also be able to create watch lists of import containers they are expecting at any of the six container terminals in the port and receive updates via email when the status of these containers changes or a hold is placed or released on containers. Jeff Bader, President of the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers and member of the Council said “the consolidation of information in a single website will help simplify work for truck dispatchers and availability clerks.”
“From a terminal operator’s perspective providing a tool that facilitates the receipt and delivery of containers and helps the port’s customers, as well as their customers and service providers better utilize their resources is a plus,” said John Atkins, President, GCT USA, STS Chairman of the Board and Chair of the CPP Gate Operations Implementation Team.
During the design and development of TIPS, the system was demonstrated to several stakeholder groups to solicit feedback. John Nardi, President of New York Shipping Association and Vice Chair of the CPP expressed his gratitude to the STS, and council members who worked to achieve this critical milestone. “The value of the port community working collaboratively cannot be overstated.”
While TIPS is user friendly and very intuitive, a series of brief Web-based demonstrations has been scheduled for all port users that may be interested. These demos will be held on Thursday, September 3rd at 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM; Tuesday, September 8th at 1:00 PM and Tuesday, September 15th at 1:00 PM.
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