BioNJ has announced that Dr. David Perlin, chief scientific officer and executive vice president for the Hackensack Meridian Center for Discovery and Innovation, will be the recipient of the 2023 Dr. Sol J. Barer Award for Vision, Innovation and Leadership.
Named for Dr. Sol J. Barer, founder and former chairman and CEO of Celgene Corporation and former BioNJ chairman, the Barer Award recognizes outstanding research and business leaders who have made significant contributions to the growth and prosperity of the life sciences industry in New Jersey and throughout the world.
“We are thrilled to honor Dr. Perlin with the 2023 Dr. Sol J. Barer Award for Vision, Innovation and Leadership for his tireless work on behalf of patients, medical innovation and New Jersey’s ever-growing life sciences ecosystem,” said BioNJ President and CEO Debbie Hart. “Well recognized for his innovative and entrepreneurial leadership in biomedical sciences, Dr. Perlin is a highly accomplished researcher and visionary in the development of novel therapies to detect, combat and prevent deadly infections.”
Dr. Perlin is the inaugural chief scientific officer and executive vice president for the Hackensack Meridian Center for Discovery and Innovation (CDI), which seeks to rapidly translate innovations in science to improve outcomes for patients with cancer, infectious diseases and other acute and chronic disorders. Additionally, Dr. Perlin leads a $33 million NIH-designated national Center of Excellence in Translational Research to discover novel anti-infectives against drug resistant bacterial infections, as well as co-leads the Metropolitan Antiviral Drug Accelerator, one of nine national centers funded for $108 million under the NIH AViDD program to develop novel small molecule antiviral drugs against SARS-CoV-2 and other pandemic viruses.
The award will be presented on February 2 at BioNJ’s Annual Dinner Meeting & Innovation Celebration. The event will bring together hundreds of biopharmaceutical company executives, professional service providers, government officials, academic leaders and others.
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