Executive Vice President Michael Cherenson of SCG Advertising + Public Relations in Parsippany was recently elected to a three-year term on the Accrediting Committee of the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. Cherenson, a Lincoln Park resident, will serve as a committee member and be actively involved in assessment of participating universities and colleges.
ACEJMC establishes and maintains educational standards that universities and colleges must meet in order to achieve accredited status. In the U.S. and internationally, 117 schools are currently accredited by ACEJMC.
“In working with ACEJMC, my goal is helping ensure that journalism and mass communication students are receiving the finest possible educational experiences,” Cherenson says. “Naturally, I’m coming to this with a public relations background, which I hope will further broaden the perspective of assessments in which I participate.”
The 2009 chair and CEO of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), the world’s largest organization for public relations professionals – and a member of the association’s College of Fellows – Cherenson is Accredited in Public Relations (APR) by the Universal Accreditation Board and PRSA. He currently is a member of the PRSA’s Educational Affairs Committee and serves as a site team member for that committee’s CEPR (Certification in Education for Public Relations) program. An Ithaca College graduate, he has served on communication-focused advisory boards at the University of Florida and Fairleigh Dickinson University.
With ACEJMC, Cherenson’s responsibilities on the committee will focus on review of site team reports submitted following conclusion of voluntary, periodic visits by a group of ACEJMC appointees to the journalism and mass communications programs at member schools. The committee hears a summary of the visit from the site team chair, and then makes recommendations to the council.
Cherenson will also continue to be an active participant during select site visits.
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