Barclay Place

NJ’s First Hospital-Based Supportive Housing Opens in Paterson

St. Joseph’s Health and the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA) have opened Barclay Place, the first supportive housing to be completed under an innovative state partnership program that promotes hospital investment in affordable and supportive housing in their communities. With 56 units, Barclay Place in Paterson is now available for vulnerable families and individuals to rent affordable apartments and make use of supportive services provided by St. Joseph’s Health.

This program is the first to be created, financed, and led by a state agency – with hospitals partnering to invest in housing that promotes and sustains health.

“Barclay Place is an important project that addresses critical issues here in our community,” says Kevin J. Slavin, president & CEO, St. Joseph’s Health. “Safe and secure housing has a tremendous impact on improving overall health. This unique program gives us the opportunity to provide affordable housing to our local residents and also to enhance their access to public health services.”

Under the NJHMFA’s $12 million Hospital Partnership Subsidy Program, the agency matched funding contributions from St. Joseph’s to provide rental housing that’s affordable for low- and moderate-income families. Several units within Barclay Place are set aside for special needs residents and/or frequent users of hospital Emergency Department services.

“Barclay Place is a landmark achievement as the first Hospital Partnership Subsidy Program building to open to residents and the public. This exciting project is first in a series of impactful healthcare-oriented developments to come, both in New Jersey and across the United States,” says Melanie R. Walter, Executive Director of NJHMFA. “Barclay Place epitomizes what innovative partnerships can achieve when all of the stakeholders are committed to success.”

New Jersey’s Hospital Partnership Subsidy Program is a nationally recognized model for integrating housing and healthcare through impactful partnerships between housing finance agencies and healthcare anchor institutions. This program has inspired public-private and foundation investment in health and housing partnerships around the country. Combining stable, quality housing with on-site medical and social services support improves outcomes for residents of the new housing as well as the surrounding community.

Barclay Place is a five-story building that houses one- two- and three-bedroom apartments affordable for families, including hospital employees. The project’s developer and community partner is Paterson-based New Jersey Community Development Corporation (NJCDC).

“NJCDC believes that addressing social determinants of health for our residents is vital to ensuring the success and revitalization of our neighborhood,” says Bob Guarasci, founder & CEO of NJCDC. “Barclay Place is an innovative project that allows us to provide two of the most important elements in improving quality of life: safe and affordable housing and access to health services.”

New Jersey Community Capital, a nonprofit community development financial institution, spearheads the Community Asset Preservation Corporation to assist in stabilizing neighborhoods. The organization supports affordable housing efforts in Paterson and across New Jersey, and supported Barclay Place as a co-developer. “We are thrilled to see Barclay Place open its doors to local families and hospital employees,” says Bernel Hall, NJCC President & CEO. “This project represents an investment in the health and welfare of the community, and we are proud this partnership brings housing and community wellness together.”

Prompted by the sterling result of Barclay Place by the team at St. Joseph’s, the NJHMFA Hospital Partnership Subsidy Program will see several additional health and housing sites opening across New Jersey in the months ahead.

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