In furtherance of Gov. Phil Murphy’s clean energy agenda, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) approved a contract with Rutgers University to perform an analysis of the state’s energy storage needs and opportunities. This study will provide the data needed to achieve the energy storage targets set by the Clean Energy Act of 2018.
The act, signed by Governor Murphy in May, set goals of 600 MW of energy storage by 2021 and 2,000 MW of energy storage by 2030.
“The ability to store energy is critical for our future and for accomplishing Governor Murphy’s ambitious clean energy goals for New Jersey,” said BPU President Joseph L. Fiordaliso.
“Energy storage systems will provide emergency back-up power for essential services, offsetting peak loads, and stabilizing the electric distribution system, which ultimately will benefit the ratepayer.”
The Rutgers analysis will also consider whether implementation of renewable electric energy storage systems would promote the use of electric vehicles in the state, and the potential impact on renewable energy production.
It is expected that the energy storage report will summarize the analysis, discuss and quantify the potential benefits and costs associated with increasing energy storage and distributed energy resources in New Jersey, and recommend ways to increase opportunities for energy storage and distributed energy resources statewide.
The contract is for six months beginning on Nov. 1. The proposed budget for the analysis and report is $300,000 with funding from BPU industry assessment funds.
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