
NJ Added 1,600 Private-Sector Jobs in September

The State of New Jersey added 1,600 private-sector jobs during the month of September, according to the ADP Regional Employment Report which is produced by ADP®, a global provider of Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions, in collaboration with Moody’s Analytics, Inc. Broadly distributed to the public each month, free of charge, the ADP Regional Employment Report measures the change in regional and state nonfarm private employment each month on a seasonally-adjusted basis.

September 2015 Report Highlights

Changes in New Jersey State Nonfarm Private Employment: 1,600*

By Sector *

Goods-producing: 0
Service-providing: 1,600

By Select Industries

Natural Resources/Mining and Construction: 500
Manufacturing: -600
Professional and Business Services: 0
Trade, Transportation and Utilities: 1,000

* Sum of components may not equal total, due to rounding.

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