
New Jerseyans Could See $300 Boost in Jobless Benefits in October

Gov. Phil Murphy said today that with New Jersey’s application for FEMA’s Lost Wages Supplemental Assistance Program being approved for the current maximum of six weeks, eligible claimants would be able to receive an additional $300 along with their other unemployment benefits “next month.”

Murphy added that the New Jersey Department of Labor (DOL) has to develop entirely new programming to distribute the funds, which has caused a delay in payments. Eligible claimants would receive their funds “in a one lump sum payment,” according to the governor.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the New Jersey Department of Labor (DOL) has cleared just under 1.4 million New Jerseyans to receive their benefits, and 96% of those deemed eligible have received at least one payment.

Between the state unemployment insurance trust fund and extended state benefits, along with the accompanying federal benefits, New Jersey families have received $15.65 billion.

Diverse License Renewal Update

Murphy separately reiterated that you do not need to go to a Motor Vehicle Commission agency to renew your basic driver’s license. Those who need to renew can do so by visiting

“Regardless of what your renewal notice says, you do not need to go to an MVC agency [in person],” Murphy said. “These renewal notices were printed and sent long before the change in the law earlier this month.”

Additionally, the deadline for expiration of commercial drivers licenses (CDL) and commercial learner’s permits (CLP) has been extended to Dec. 31, 2020.

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