New Jersey City University (NJCU) has introduced its first Academic Master Plan (AMP) as the next phase in the university’s commitment to its mission and refocus of its efforts around student success and support services.
The AMP was designed by the Division of Academic Affairs and authored by the Office of the Provost with collaborative input provided by hundreds of members of the university community coming together during the Fall 2023 semester to articulate a shared governance produced guidelines for NJCU’s academic portfolio.
The AMP is driven by four new institutional strategic pillars: (1) Student Success and Retention, (2) Community Engagement, (3) Culture of Continuous Improvement, and (4) Financial Stewardship and Responsibility.
Key measurable organizational actions (KOAs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) were developed to achieve the following 10 AMP goals:
The goals of the AMP were identified according to the results of the Mission Refresh Survey conducted in the Spring 2023 semester. The university community was then invited to complete a survey responding to the degree of priority for each of the goals as well as an opportunity to provide an open-ended response to each goal. Participants completed the survey, and the majority of those responding ranked all goals as either highest or high priority.
The plan addresses more than the formal curriculum for NJCU’s academic portfolio which currently features 143 for-credit programs: 59 undergraduate, 31 graduate, two doctoral, 27 minors, 23 certificates, and one specialized program. It includes goals to address the shared lived experiences of the university community.
NJCU Interim President Andrés Acebo acknowledged the significant progress demonstrated with the introduction of the Academic Master Plan, noting: “Today, we have outlined an outcomes-oriented approach that deliberately focuses on where our students’ journeys and stories begin. This perspective is at the heart of our mission of meeting our students where they are and giving them the tools to empower their lives. Our university’s first comprehensive Academic Master Plan was an intentionally community-driven endeavor whose process exalts the potential of shared governance in higher education — a data-driven plan that was written by our campus, for our community.”
Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Donna Breault said: “New Jersey City University’s Academic Master Plan is a guide to operationalizing our mission. It speaks to our shared lived experiences as a university community, and it helps us to create the conditions through which our community will continue to thrive.”
Fran Moran, Ph.D., the president of the University Senate added: “The new Academic Master Plan is the culmination of months of close collaboration between administration, faculty, students, and professional staff. It provides a solid blueprint to guide this institution on how we can continue to best serve our students and our community.”
The introduction of the Academic Master Plan is the latest step in the university’s strategic revitalization of its mission. Notably, the administration’s partnership with campus stakeholders and commitment to the promise of shared governance, culminated on February 2 in the unveiling of a refresh of the university mission statement and the introduction of NJCU’s first vision statement.
The plan is one of three strategic initiatives reflecting the university’s strategic plan: Academic Master Plan, Strategic Enrollment Plan, and Strategic Plan for Student Development and Community Engagement. The latter two publications are also expected to be introduced in the first half of 2024.
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