Following yesterday’s visit to the Samaritan Homeless Interim Program, Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno today continued her recognition of National Volunteerism Month by addressing the participants of Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation’s 17th Annual Multicultural Teen Corporate Mentoring Program. The week-long program engages students in a behind-the-scenes look at working in a corporate setting and provides approximately 32 volunteer hours for students.
“Instead of taking a vacation during spring break, these students are helping others and preparing for their future,” said Lt. Governor Guadagno. “I thank Novartis for mentoring our youth and providing a positive example of leadership both in business and in serving the community.”
With job shadowing, panel discussions and marketing challenges, students are exposed to a wide range of experiences and opportunities. Monday’s schedule included a career and college fair with representatives from 10 New Jersey universities as well as from several Novartis departments. Later in the week, the students will participate in a service project in partnership with Stop Hunger Now and Caring Capital. Students will work in teams to pack roughly 1,000 meals each in addition to children’s gift bundles to be sent to countries such as Haiti, Zambia, El Salvador and Liberia.
“This program – now in its 17th year – is an eye-opening and sometimes life-changing experience for the diverse group of students that participate,” said Kevin Rigby, U.S. Country Head and Vice President, Public Affairs, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. “They are able to see firsthand the careers and opportunities available to them, and this program is a perfect example of our Company’s philanthropic mission.”
Since 1996, the mentoring program has helped multicultural students set higher personal, academic and career goals by introducing them to successful minority role models in a corporate environment and exposing them a variety of career options. Through the program, Novartis has sponsored more than 850 students all going on to higher education.
New Jersey is home to approximately 1.45 million volunteers who provide more than 206 million hours of service valued at $4.6 billion. Those interested in seeking volunteerism opportunities in New Jersey, or who simply wish to learn more about the efforts of the Governor’s Office of Volunteerism, are encouraged to visit
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