Banking / Financial

JANJ Grant from BofA to Foster Economic Success and Social Equality

Junior Achievement of New Jersey (JANJ) has received a grant for $25,000 from Bank of America (BofA) in support of its mission to empower individuals and families on a path to long-term success. This contribution is part of BofA’s ongoing commitment to advancing economic mobility in New Jersey and across the United States.

“We appreciate BofA’s generous support and continued investment in our mission,” said James Horne Jr., president & CEO of JANJ. “This grant will enable us to provide even more students with the tools they need to succeed and contribute to their communities in meaningful ways. Together, we are working towards building a future where economic opportunity is accessible to all, regardless of their background.”

BofA recognizes the critical role that non-profit organizations play in addressing systemic barriers and fostering opportunities for underserved communities. By partnering with JANJ, BofA aims to strengthen the organization’s efforts in equipping individuals with essential financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and employability skills.

Year after year, BofA volunteers return to teach JA in communities statewide. Operating funds will support and impact nearly 1,000 K-5th graders as they gain foundational financial literacy skills. Additionally, the funds will engage more than 100 BofA/Merrill volunteers in New Jersey classrooms as role models helping young people to build these critical skills. This collaboration aligns with BofA’s overarching goal of building thriving communities by supporting economic advancement and reducing racial disparities.

“We know the importance of empowering students at a young age with the tools, resources, and education they need to take control of their finances,” said Alberto Garofalo, president of Bank of America New Jersey. “JANJ is doing impactful work to prepare young people for the real world, and together, we can help advance economic mobility in New Jersey.”

The $25,000 grant from BofA will help JANJ expand its reach, strengthen its curriculum, and enhance its ability to serve students and educators in communities throughout the state. The funding will directly contribute to providing resources, training, and mentorship programs that equip young individuals with the skills necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving workforce.

As in years past, JANJ will allocate this BofA contribution to underwrite the participation of students from low-to-moderate-income (LMI) communities within the bank’s footprint in support of CRA. Through this strategic partnership, both JANJ and BofA will continue to drive positive change, empower individuals, and create a more equitable society.

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