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HackensackUMC Announces Research Collaboration with Gauss Surgical to Study Real-Time Monitoring of Blood Loss

Hackensack University Medical Center has entered into a clinical research collaboration agreement with Gauss Surgical.  This study will analyze the utility of Gauss Surgical’s Triton system for quantification of blood loss (QBL) when integrated into the hospital’s electronic health record (EHR).  This program at HackensackUMC is deemed the Accurate Display of Postpartum Hemorrhage using Triton (ADOPT).

“We are excited to be the exclusive research partner working with Gauss Surgical to further perfect the ADOPT clinical trial program and enhance maternal assessment in obstetrics,” said Andrew Rubenstein, M.D., section chief of Obstetrics at HackensackUMC.  “We have already pioneered the assessment of QBL in obstetrics with the Gauss Surgical team and are eager to collect specific data to show this groundbreaking work. Our partnership with Gauss illustrates HackensackUMC’s continued effort to identify leading-edge innovation to improve the care and safety of our patients.”

Since adopting Triton in 2015, HackensackUMC has implemented it as the standard of care for surgical procedures in the labor and delivery unit.  Triton allows for accurate and timely measurement of blood loss, dramatically enhancing the ability to recognize and treat the occurrence of hemorrhage during delivery.

Triton is the world’s first and only mobile platform for real-time monitoring of surgical blood loss. Health care providers use iPad cameras in real time in the OR to take pictures of surgical sponges and blood canisters and the Triton system identifies the amount of the blood in the image.  The research team at HackensackUMC has worked closely with Gauss Surgical to enhance and expand the use of the Triton system. This study will focus on integrating the Triton systems’ results directly into Epic, the EHR system used at HackensackUMC, thereby translating the real-time reporting of blood loss to the obstetrical team.

“We are very proud of the ADOPT program as we continue to move forward with our research collaboration with Gauss Surgical.  We are blazing a trail in health care information technology to improve care, quality, patient safety, efficiency, and data exchange,” said Shafiq Rab, M.D., co- chief information officer, Hackensack Meridian Health.

“This research collaboration with Dr. Rubenstein, Dr. Rab, and the Hackensack team will allow us to gain deeper data-driven insights about the impact that our technology is having on clinical care, and to potentially uncover adjacent unmet clinical needs that our mobile platform may help address,” said Siddarth Satish, CEO, Gauss Surgical.

The Triton system provides significant improvements, not previously seen with existing methodologies and workflow, by accurately measuring real-time blood loss during the surgical procedure.  Obstetric hemorrhage is estimated to cause 25% of all maternal deaths and is the leading direct cause of maternal mortality worldwide.  Underestimation of blood loss immediately following delivery can lead to the delay of lifesaving interventions and treatments and can have a negative impact upon the mother’s overall health both in the short-term and long-term.  Conversely, overestimation of blood loss can lead to costly, highly invasive treatments like transfusions that may be unnecessary and carry serious risks.

“Our collaboration with Gauss Surgical directly addresses the maternal blood loss issue and provides a solution where outcomes can be improved and risk reduced,” said Anthony A. delCampo, vice president, commercialization and technology ventures, HackensackUMC.

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