Governor Christie today signed A-3969/S-2647, which consolidates the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority and the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission for the creation of the Meadowlands Regional Commission.
The new commission will have authority over the development of Liberty State Park, which is now managed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
Noting concerns with the bill in its current form, the Governor signed the legislation based on negotiations and bipartisan agreement with the bill’s sponsors — Speaker Vincent Prieto and Senator Paul Sarlo — to move forward with follow-up legislation.
“Though this legislation is imperfect in its current form, I believe it is important that we act to move forward with this commonsense consolidation of government to deliver savings to New Jersey taxpayers while we move forward with bipartisan agreement to address concerns with the current bill,” Governor Christie said.
Environmental groups and park advocates have been opposed to the bill, fearing that it opens Liberty State Park to development. The NY/NJ Baykeeper issued the following statement on the bill’s signing: “Park advocates simply request that Liberty State Park be planned, implemented and administered by DEP Parks and Forestry, as is every other park in New Jersey. It is not geographically in the Meadowlands District, nor is it an economic development district, so it should not be in any way under the auspices of the Meadowlands Regional Planning Commission.”
The bill also revises an existing regional tax sharing program with 14 area municipalities.
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