David Kimball, Ph.D., who has most recently led translational science and research commercialization as associate vice president in the Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) at Rutgers University, has been named vice president for innovation and research commercialization.
“I am delighted to announce David’s promotion to Vice President of Innovation and Research Commercialization,” said Christopher J. Molloy, Ph.D., R.Ph., Senior Vice President for Research and Economic Development at Rutgers University. “He brings a wealth of experience to the role, and I am confident that he will continue to provide excellent leadership to the team and bring further success to Rutgers.”
As associate vice president, Dr. Kimball successfully reorganized and rebuilt the technology transfer capabilities of Rutgers post-merger. He deployed a robust decision process to rapidly evaluate and progress faculty inventions, and established a software and copyright licensing group. Dr. Kimball also accessed funding to launch the TechAdvance® gap funding program in 2017, and established relationships with external sources leading to the successful funding of Rutgers startups. He continued to build the capabilities of the Rutgers Translational Science (RTS) group. Under his leadership, the Office of Research Commercialization achieved record revenues in FY2017.
In his role as Vice President, Innovation and Research Commercialization, Dr. Kimball will continue to transform research at Rutgers into products, services and partnerships for the public good that generate value for the university and enhance the economic development of New Jersey. His responsibilities will include the continued expansion of RTS to assist biomedical researchers in obtaining high-value grants and intellectual property. He will also advance efforts to standardize and optimize intellectual property, marketing and licensing processes, and spread the copyright and software licensing franchise across the university. Dr. Kimball expects to further grow TechAdvance and startup companies, and vigorously expand outreach to external stakeholders, sources of funding and to faculty at all campuses of Rutgers University.
Dr. Kimball is also a research professor of medicinal chemistry in the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers, and is an associate in the Cancer Pharmacology Research Program, which aims to promote more effective cancer treatments. He is a scientific founder of Z53 Therapeutics, a company focused on designing novel oncology therapeutics to target tumors with mutations in the tumor suppressor gene, p53.
Prior to joining Rutgers in 2011, Dr. Kimball spent 30 years in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries in positions ranging from bench scientist to chief scientific officer, leading drug discovery and development efforts. His research has covered anti-infective agents, cardiovascular disease, oncology, immunology, neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disease. Dr. Kimball has lectured widely on drug discovery and has been associated with the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers University since 1989. He holds a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry/Chemical Biology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.
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