Atlantic City Electric, Exelon, the Drumthwacket Foundation and Sustainable Jersey honored six student teams for their NJ Student Climate Challenge action projects, which offer innovative approaches to help address the ongoing issue of climate change.
Student teams, from high schools and middle schools across New Jersey, were tasked with developing and executing a school or community-based climate action project and creating a digital story or video to capture the approach and impacts of their climate project. Student team winners and their teacher mentors were recognized on June 8, 2022 at an awards ceremony hosted by the Drumthwacket Foundation with New Jersey First Lady Tammy Murphy.
“It is an honor to join these bright young minds tonight as we celebrate their hard work on the NJ Student Climate Challenge action projects,” said First Lady Tammy Murphy, president of the Drumthwacket Foundation. “New Jersey is the first state in the nation to incorporate climate change education across its K-12 learning standards, giving every student the opportunity to study and understand the climate crisis by equipping them with the critical knowledge and skills to combat climate change. Let these projects show that our state, and the world, are in good hands with the generations of climate leaders who will come from New Jersey.”
The NJ Student Climate Challenge is a program, funded by Atlantic City Electric and its parent company, Exelon, that was created to foster the growing role young people are playing in
addressing climate change. The initiative builds on New Jersey’s efforts to increase climate literacy among young people across the state, including its first-in-the-nation effort to incorporate climate change education across all K-12 state academic standards.
High School Category Winners
Middle School Category Winners
Winners were selected by a panel of judges that included educators and representatives from local non-profits, state agencies and the partner organizations. Winning schools received a grant to support their climate education initiatives.
The NJ Student Climate Challenge is open to New Jersey public schools with students in grades 6-12 across the state. Middle and high school students are encouraged to identify and complete a school or community project to address a cause or impact of climate change. The students then create a short digital story video to highlight what they accomplished.
Students participate through their respective schools. There is no cost to schools or students to participate. Teachers and students should plan now to participate in the NJ Student Climate Challenge for the 2022-2023 school year. Updated information for the 2022-2023 school year Climate Challenge will be posted by early October 2022 at
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