The board of directors of NJM Insurance Group formally approved the election of Mitch Livingston, Esq., to the position of president & chief executive officer at its meeting on April 27. Livingston, who joined NJM in 2006, most recently served as chief operating officer & general counsel. He becomes only the ninth chief executive in the Company’s 104-year history, succeeding Bernie Flynn who retired on April 27, 2018.
NJM also announced the election of longtime Company executive Tracy McManimon to its Board of Directors, and the promotion of veteran leader, Carol Voorhees, to senior vice president & chief information officer, making her the first to hold the position since the Company was founded in 1913.
McManimon is NJM’s senior vice president & chief underwriting officer. She leads the Company’s personal and commercial lines of insurance, including the Garden State’s largest book of workers’ compensation coverage. Voorhees oversees Information Technology and the offices of Customer Experience and Program Management. McManimon and Voorhees serve as members of the Company’s Executive Leadership Team, and are responsible for leading NJM’s strategic planning efforts.
“Tracy has been instrumental in ensuring NJM’s continued expansion in the hyper-competitive marketplace of the past 15 years, while helping to maintain our commitment to the highest levels of policyholder service,” said Livingston. “Her vision, experience and leadership will bring great value to the important role our Board plays in ensuring the Company’s long-term success.”
“Carol’s ability to think at an enterprise-wide level and understand the dynamic relationship between technology and customer expectations makes her the obvious choice to become our first-ever chief information officer,” expanded Livingston. “As CIO, she will take a leadership role in advancing our core value of continuously improving the customer experience.”
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