General Business

WBLF Celebrates 10 Years

Report to Members

Time moves fast, but truly memorable events remain so vivid over the years it seems like they happened only yesterday.

That is how I feel about NJBIA’s New Jersey Women Business Leaders Forum, now celebrating its 10th year of helping women break barriers, build businesses, forge successful career paths, and increase diversity in corporate leadership. 

Thousands of women and, yes, men as well, have attended this flagship NJBIA event over this past decade to learn, be inspired and expand their professional networks. Attendance has grown steadily each year, making the Women Business Leaders Forum the largest annual professional women’s conference in New Jersey today.

While there may be other events focusing on women’s leadership, the New Jersey Women Business Leaders Forum powered by NJBIA distinguishes itself for its energy, its hardcore leadership training sessions, its spotlight on the incredible achievements of inspiring women leaders from all walks of life, and the motivation it provides for all those who hear their stories. The result is a “can do attitude” by all when they leave the room. 

Turn to page 22 to see WBLF highlights over the past 10 years, and page 28 to read our feature story about this year’s event.

Women have made significant gains since 2015, when we held only 18.8% of board seats at Fortune 1000 companies. By the end of 2023, women held 29.4% of board seats among Russell 3000 corporations, the top 3,000 publicly traded US companies. 

In short, change is happening, but not fast enough.

A recent report by the global nonprofit 50/50 Women on Boards found that only 30.7% of the 587 new board appointments at Russell 3000 companies in the first three months of 2024 were women. That is the lowest percentage of new women board members since 2017, and it is a reason to be concerned. Even more distressing is that women of color hold only 7.8% of board seats among Russell 3000 companies. 

At this slow rate of progress, it will take until the year 2045 to achieve the goal of gender parity in boardrooms and 20% women of color representation, the report predicted. Clearly, we have a lot of work left to do.

On Sept. 25-26, prepare to be inspired for the collective task ahead when the New Jersey Women Business Leaders Forum will present more than 60 speakers, 12 breakout sessions, and C-suite panel discussions designed to help women learn, grow and succeed. Whether you are just starting your professional journey or are already well-established in your career, this is a professional opportunity you do not want to miss. To learn more and register to attend, scan the QR code below. See you in Atlantic City!

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