General Business

NJ’s Top Executives

The business world is full of talented leaders who have risen through the ranks via their talents, vision, intellect, compassion and drive. In this special section, which appears in the August issue of New Jersey Business Magazine, we celebrate the exceptional leadership at businesses throughout the Garden State.

Dr. Teik C. Lim President, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

Dr. Teik C. Lim is the ninth President of New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dr. Lim also serves as a Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Prior to NJIT, Dr. Lim led the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) as the interim president from 2020 to 2022 and was Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at UTA from 2017-2020.

Dr. Lim’s career began in the private sector as an engineer at Structural Dynamics Research Corporation before joining The Ohio State University Center for Automotive Research as a research scientist. He later accepted his first faculty appointment at the University of Alabama before joining the University of Cincinnati in 2002, where he ultimately became Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science.

Dr. Lim earned his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (ME) from Michigan Technological University, his M.S. in ME from the University of Missouri-Rolla, and his Ph.D. in ME from The Ohio State University.

Dr. Lim is internationally recognized as a leading scholar in the field of structural vibrations and acoustics as well as modeling and simulation technology. He was named Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors in 2018. He is Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and of the Society of Automotive Engineers. He was also recognized with the Thomas French Alumni Achievement Award in 2010, GearLab Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2017, and Distinguished Alumni Award for Academic Excellence in 2019 from his alma mater, The Ohio State University.

1 Year with NJIT


Arch T. Colwell Merit Award

Ralph R. Teetor
Educational Award

GearLab Distinguished
Alumnus Award

Alumni Award for Academic Excellence, The Ohio State University

P&G Connect + Develop Private/Public Partnerships Award


Fellow, National Academy
of Inventors

Fellow, American Society
of Mechanical Engineers

Fellow, Society of
Automotive Engineers

Founder, University of
Cincinnati Simulation Center

Founder, University of Cincinnati and Chongqing University Joint Engineering Co-op Institute


323 Dr. MLK Jr. Blvd.
Newark, New Jersey 07102

[email protected]


Twitter: @NJIT

Twitter: @NJITRollTeik

Steve Westhoven, President and CEO, New Jersey Resources (Parent company of New Jersey Natural Gas)


Steve Westhoven is President and CEO of New Jersey Resources (NJR), a Fortune 1000 diversified energy company that operates world-class natural gas and renewable energy infrastructure. Its core businesses include: New Jersey Natural Gas (NJNG), a natural gas utility serving Monmouth, Ocean and Morris counties; and NJR Clean Energy Ventures, one of New Jersey’s largest commercial solar owner-operators.

Under Mr. Westhoven’s leadership, NJR is leading the way to New Jersey’s clean energy future, reaching climate goals and rethinking the role existing pipeline infrastructure will play in achieving an energy transition that is as affordable, reliable and equitable as possible for all New Jerseyans.

NJR is committed to Net-Zero operational carbon emissions in New Jersey by 2050, having already invested over $1.1 billion in carbon-free renewable solar power while also driving innovation in the next generation of clean fuels that will decarbonize the energy its utility customers depend on to heat their homes and keep their businesses running.

Driven by this commitment to sustainability, NJNG recently completed the nation’s first 100% Green Hydrogen production facility, allowing NJNG to blend zero-carbon hydrogen energy into its distribution system – reducing emissions and proving the value of underground pipeline energy infrastructure in meeting 2050 climate goals.

Mr. Westhoven’s vision is helping NJR and NJNG showcase what the natural gas utility of the clean energy future will look like in New Jersey – and beyond.

Learn more at

31 Years with Company


Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program alumnus

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from The Catholic University of America

Choose New Jersey, Board of Directors, Board Secretary

American Gas Association, Board of Directors, Member

National Petroleum Council, Board of Directors, Member


1415 Wyckoff Road
Wall, NJ 07719

(732) 938-1000







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