
MarketShift, a New Initiative to Assist Defense Contractors, Launches in May

The New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program, Inc. (NJMEP) is partnering with the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) / the New Jersey Innovation Institute (NJII) and the Federal Government to host two executive training conferences. This new initiative program, called MarketShift, was developed in response to the extension of the Budget Sequestration of 2013.

Sequestration cuts are scheduled to continue through 2021 and there is great concern over how this will affect those New Jersey companies who rely on a steady stream of defense-related contracts. The MarketShift program is specifically geared towards assisting Department of Defense (DoD) suppliers grow their revenues by diversifying their offerings and their customer bases.

The MarketShift program is intended for Presidents and CEO’s; VP’s; Directors of International Sales; Directors of Marketing and Business Development; and others in a leadership role for international sales. Individual conference seats are valued at $5,000 apiece. However, the entire cost of the program is being offset by MarketShift Scholarships, combined with NJMEP’s Defense-Contractor Discounts, which will be awarded to DoD suppliers.

The initiative launches May 20th with Destination Innovation™  Jumpstart, a conference focused on  innovation,  growth and  new-market  development. The second event, “ExporTech™ Intensive”, is a concentrated version of the US Commerce Department’s signature training program focusing on exporting and takes place June 3rd and June 4th.

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